Thursday, August 20, 2009

Family Pictures

We are so lucky to have an Aunt Sarah who enjoys taking pictures. She did these pictures this summer for us up at the BYU-Idaho gardens. Nicholas just had to have a waterfall in his picture. These pictures say a lot about our kids. The two clowns with the cheese ball smiles are pretty much like that all the time. My kids are also hand holders and I love that Robby and Aeryka are both holding Nick's hand.
So I have a friend (Krista) who ends all her blogs by saying something that she is thankful. I love that! So I am stealing that idea and I am going to try and remember to do that from now on when I blog.
Today I am thankful that I have a sister that will take my kid's pictures any time that I ask her. She does a great job and my kids love spending time with her (as do I).

1 comment:

Joy said...

I really can't believe how time flies your kids are getting so big!!