Thursday, August 20, 2009

15 years ago

So Fifteen years ago I was going to the temple to be married to my sweetie however, they neglected to tell us that we needed to be there two hours earlier, so yes we were two hours late for our wedding. Good Times! I can promise you I have learned a few things since then and we are not known for being late any more!
I can't believe that Ron and I have been married for 15 years(when did I go and get that old?). Ron took me out to lunch for our anniversary to our favorite restaurant (Gloria's Little Italy, Yummy). We knew with school starting on the same day with Nicky we would probably not get out during the evening (after an hour of crying and snuggling he was doing O.K.).
I am so glad that we were at least able spend some time alone together. I am so grateful for a wonderful husband who loves me and our kids. Ron is a great husband who tries to show me everyday how much he loves me. I am so thankful for a wonderful husband, a great father, and having a priesthood holder in our home!

1 comment:

Darwin + Kiara said...

Happy belated anniversary! Yay!