Sunday, July 31, 2011

Aeryka's 9th Birthday

Aeryka had her 9th birthday in January(still catching up). She was lucky enough to get a surprise visit from Grammy and her cousin Rylee. She got some clothes and some jewlery and she got tickets to go see the University of Utah (go Utes) gymnastics!! Ron and I were going to take her but Jessy got sick so she went with Ron and her cousin Abby!! She loved it and of course she had a blast!!
I am so lucky to have this wonderful girl in our family!! She always wants to help and is willing to help if I ask!! She is a great sister and a wonderful daughter! She is so kind and loving she is going to make a great mom one day!! She still loves to carry her 5 year old sister like a baby!!


Tara Oliver said...

awww cute!! she's looking so grown up.

Anonymous said...

Aeryka looks ready for a good hard fucking.