Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Now since I think I have a basic knowledge of how to do this. I think I will post about what has been going on for th last four months. 

I Know some of these pictures look like the last ones we had on but they are actually Aeryka's birthday party. One of the perks of having a birthday in January is we are pretty sure there will be enough snow to go sledding. Aeryka was very excited to have donuts and hot cocoa. It made my life a little easier that is for sure. Though we were still late getting back for some of the parents. Oh Well, we had a great time!! It is so fun to see what a great young lady Aeryka is turning into. She is a great sister and can hardly wait to be the Mom in the house. She especially loves having a little sister to love on and carry around like a baby(even though the baby is 3). 

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