Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Big Graduation(sort of)

Well our little cheese ball graduated from preschool yesterday. His class had a little program and the did a little story with each of the kids saying a part. It was so cute, and since he goes to preschool at the elementary school Nicky and Aeryka got to come and watch. He is so excited to start kindergarten in the fall. I love the preschool that he went to the teachers are awesome and he just had so much fun. I am so glad that Jessy gets to go to the same preschool. I can't believe that I will have two mornings a week to do what I want without kids. I'm not sure how that is going to feel. I will let you know after we get through the summer.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bat Mobile Pinewood Derby Style

Well we have finally come a boy's right of passage. The very first pinewood derby!! Nicholas loved it. He liked using Poppy's tools to help carve it. He could hardly wait to come home from school and paint it and he loved the stickers that we made for it!! He got 5th place which isn't to bad for his first year!! He can't wait for next year! 

A Fishing We Will Go

One of the fun things that the kids did for preschool was they went fishing in a trout pond. Jessy had so much fun and was even holding the fish. Robby on the other hand would only hold his fish in the ziploc bag. A family has a trout pond where the kids can fish with no license and no limit. I think that the kids and I will be spending a lot of time up there this summer. 

Tooth Fairy Is Very Busy

As you can see from the pictures we have been keeping the tooth fairy very busy and I don't think it will end any time soon. Robby lost his first tooth and Aeryka lost her fourth. However, Robby has 3 more loose teeth and Nicky has one. I am sure Aeryka will be try ing to help any tooth that might think about being loose out. Jessy is sure that she has a loose tooth also and that it will be ready to come out any time. I guess it's hard being the only one with no loose teeth. She'll be excited when the tooth fairy is coming to only her.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Easter Eggs

This is pretty obvious what the kids are doing. This was Easter and we went over to Aunt Alice's to color eggs. Nick didn't think that he wanted to help so there are no pictures of him. Which is O.K. he had fun doing his own thing. I think Aeryka had the most fun. She may have done half of the eggs by herself. 

Surprise in the Barbeque

So this is what we found when we went to use the barbeque for the second time. In a month this is what those clever little robins did in our barbeque. We started going out to the back yard a lot and we kept scaring the robins away from the nest(not on purpose just to get some yard work done) so those funny birds actually moved 5 of the 6 of their eggs. We can't find where the new nest is but we can sure hear baby birds. Now we have to move the nest and the one egg that they left. This was sure a fun thing to be able to show the kids. they thought that it was so cool. 

Monday, May 18, 2009

I am a wolf

Please ignore the terrible picture of the mother. Nicky earned his wolf last month and 7 arrow points and a couple more belt loops. Scouts has been a great thing for him. We have a very small group (4 in wolf and bear combined) but the boys that are his age are a really great. They really include him and he loves it. Now if the mom would only get those patches sewn on. Hopefully tonight. 

I want to be a firefighter

I just had Ron download the pictures off of our camera and look what  I found. Pictures from the fire academy. I know I already blogged about this field trip but the pictures were to cute not to put up (and I am not Biased). By the way it was hilarious to watch Jessy try and walk with those boots and hat on. She would try and take a step and the hat would fall over her eyes. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jump Club

One of our favorite after school activities is jump club(jump rope club). Aeryka and Nicholas love,love,love this. I think if it was offered all year they would want to do it. So they practice for two months and then they do a big jump spectacular, they were both so excited. As you can see from the pictures I only have pictures of Nicky. That is not because I love him more, it is because Aeryka got a fever the day of the big show. She was so upset but she understood why she couldn't go and as long as she still got to have her t-shirt she was happy. 
I can't even begin to tell you how much Nicky has improved. The first year that he did jump club he had to have a teacher jump with him so that she could turn the rope for him. Now he run and jump and turn the rope for himself. He is so proud of himself and we are so proud of him for all the hard work that he put in to learning to do this. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Speaking of  field trips I was so lucky to be able to go to the BYU Bean Museum not once, not twice, but a total of three times between kids and cub scouts. Nicky loved the animals both dead and alive. When I went with Nicky's class they did a fun little scavenger hunt. I think Nicky liked finding the two headed snake the most. Though he really liked the turtle also.  Let's be serious he loves all animals. I was very surprised that he actually touched the lizard.

Robby and Jessy went on a field trip to the post office, Fire academy, and to a pizza place to see how pizza is made. They loved the pizza place and the post office. Robby loved the fire academy, Jessy did not like the fire trucks at all. She does not like loud noises at all. She cried for quite awhile. I am so lucky that I am able to go on the field trips with my kids.  

I will try and post a little bit more in a while but for now I have to go get the kid's from school. Then go to Cub Scouts and Softball. I love the craziness that is my life!! I'm sure you all know exactly what I am talking about!!

This is Valentine's day the kid's were so excited because they loved their valentine's that we found on-line. Robby already had a fight with his and the poor thing lost it's eye. It was kind of fun to make real valentine's. It was weird to have all of the kid's in either school or preschool this year. I know Jessy loved being able to take her own valentine's to her class.

Now since I think I have a basic knowledge of how to do this. I think I will post about what has been going on for th last four months. 

I Know some of these pictures look like the last ones we had on but they are actually Aeryka's birthday party. One of the perks of having a birthday in January is we are pretty sure there will be enough snow to go sledding. Aeryka was very excited to have donuts and hot cocoa. It made my life a little easier that is for sure. Though we were still late getting back for some of the parents. Oh Well, we had a great time!! It is so fun to see what a great young lady Aeryka is turning into. She is a great sister and can hardly wait to be the Mom in the house. She especially loves having a little sister to love on and carry around like a baby(even though the baby is 3).