One of our favorite after school activities is jump club(jump rope club). Aeryka and Nicholas love,love,love this. I think if it was offered all year they would want to do it. So they practice for two months and then they do a big jump spectacular, they were both so excited. As you can see from the pictures I only have pictures of Nicky. That is not because I love him more, it is because Aeryka got a fever the day of the big show. She was so upset but she understood why she couldn't go and as long as she still got to have her t-shirt she was happy.
I can't even begin to tell you how much Nicky has improved. The first year that he did jump club he had to have a teacher jump with him so that she could turn the rope for him. Now he run and jump and turn the rope for himself. He is so proud of himself and we are so proud of him for all the hard work that he put in to learning to do this.