On August 5th, our WONDERFUL children surprised us by decorating the house for Christmas between the time that Ron left for work and Martha got up for the day. They told Martha that they had a suprise, and to not get out of bed until they got her. They set the table with a beautiful Christmas tablecloth and put a Santa Claus (ceramic, mind you) cookie server in the middle. Then, Nicky and Aeryka dragged the box for our 8 ft tree from the basement and put it together as tall as Nicky could reach using a chair, and completed it by decorating it with ornaments. And, to make sure that everything was just right, they even put the train around the bottom of the tree. They also managed to put up their small "kid" tree with lights and all. Just to finish the day off, Santa made a visit to Daddy's office and sent home gifts for all of the kids, and we played Christmas music all day and Mommy baked Christmas cookies.